Mobile Application for Basic Communication among Mute and Deaf is an application that aims to bridge the communication gap between hearing and mute and deaf people. Since nowadays most of the people owns a Smartphone it would be a best platform to introduce this kind of application to the public. The application is base on American Sign Language (ASL). The develop android application provides list of categories and most commonly used words or phrases where in the user can choose what he wants to learn. It has also video clips which make learning ASL a lot easier. The application was developed in order to aid the hearing people in understanding those mute and deaf. It would be a great help since it will deliver the necessary information in communicating with the mute and deaf people. Also, it can serve as a quick guide to those people who are interested in learning ASL.ISO 9126 software quality standard was utilized to evaluate the developed application. The result of the performance evaluation of the application showed that the application meets the entire users’ needs; the outputs are reliable and dependable, and the system is flexible for future updates or changes.